Outstanding Contract Amount Report

17 votes

Hi team,

It was be very useful to have a report which, by open rental contract, which gives you the following:

1) The total contract value (excluding tax) of all the lines
2) Life-to-date amount billed on contract (excluding tax) - all rental line amounts that are tagged billed = true
3) Remaining amount on contract (excluding tax) - all rental line amounts that are tagged billed = false

In the attached example, the total value of this contract (assume it's only one line) is 12x70 (ex. tax) = $840.00. Of which, the total amount billed is the first 9 lines ($630) which works out to be a remaining amount on the line (contract) of $840 - $630 = $210.

This report, when managing large volumes of contracts will give us the ability to easily understand what needs to be re-signed/renewed and also give us an idea of the invoicing backlog that is secured for the future.


Done Feature Request Suggested by: Tim Upvoted: 25 Aug, '23 Comments: 4

Comments: 4